Providing More Than Shoes

By partnering with The Fundraising Company you are providing opportunity to our female micro-entrepreneur partners throughout Africa and South America to gain financial independence, support their families, all while providing footwear to their community who desperately needs it.

This is more than just a one way partnership – TFC will actually pay for the shoes, and you can decide where to direct those funds here at home! Don’t know which charity suits your interests, no problem, our fundraising coordinator will connect with you and find a cause that fits to your mission!

Partnering with us to handle your overstock inventory or unsellable returns, closes the loop, and benefits your brand in the long run! Over 90% of customers will shop at a store that publicly supports and engages in social responsibility.

Since 2012 The Fundraising Company has helped 7000+ charities raise more than $4.5 million+ for their vital programs. Discover how you can give back through customizable partnerships!

Give your customers a reason to shop with you

plant inside a bulb

Forbes Magazine and IMB in 2020 Reports How Likely Customers Will Buy Sustainably...

"As consumers increasingly embrace social causes, they seek products and brands that align with their values. Nearly six in 10 consumers surveyed are willing to change their shopping habits to reduce environmental impact." -IBM 2020

Reach out to The Fundraising Company today to learn how we can partner with you!

    Start Your Shoe Drive Fundraiser Today!