Partnering with The Fundraising Company you have the opportunity to repurpose your apparel into so much more...


for your organization or the charity of your choosing. Whether you’re a PTA Mom, non-profit, or retail company you have the opportunity to make money recycling!

Poverty Relief...

TFC has hundreds of partnerships with micro-entrepenuers in developing nations throughout Africa and South America. Reselling the shoes provides them with a source of income and a way to support their families.

Recycle and Reduce...

the amount of textile waste that ends up in landfills. Millions of pairs of shoes end up in the trash every year emitting millions of pounds of CO2 and harmful chemicals into the air.

How The Fundraising Company is making a differnce in millions of lives around the world...

Contact a Fundraising Coordinator today to learn more!

Start Your Shoe Drive Fundraiser Today!