Chosen to do a shoe drive fundraiser this year but not sure how to receive shoe donations? No problem! Here at The Fundraising Company we provide you with a dedicated fundraising guide to help you increase your shoe donations and reach your fundraising goals in no time. Follow the tips below on how to best promote your fundraiser and push your team to the finish line.

How to Successfully Promote your Shoe Fundraiser

preparing to market the fundraiser
Getting the word out on your shoe drive fundraiser is easily one of the most important steps in running a shoe drive, or doing any type of fundraiser for that matter. If members of your community aren’t aware that you are accepting shoe donations, their unused shoes may end up in a landfill instead! So gather together a team of volunteers to start spreading the word! Volunteers are very useful in running a successful shoe fundraiser. Your team of volunteers can help promote in their own neighborhoods by posting on their social media, leaving flyers around town, and sharing with co-workers or fellow students.

Motivating your Volunteers

dog wearing a gold medal
Having a good group of volunteers will be a key part in increasing your shoe donations toward your fundraiser. With that said, who doesn’t love a challenge. Keeping your team motivated is important to keep the ball rolling to the finish line. Trying offering incentives or grand prizes to whoever brings in the most shoe donations. This friendly competition within your fundraising team makes the whole fundraiser more fun and usually more successful. Whether the winning prize is pizza dinner or a some sort of gift card, these are great ways to get your team motivated.

Promotional Materials to Increase Shoe Donations

man making promotional materials for fundraiser

Printed materials are another great way to promote your fundraiser. You can find a plethora of resources available on the The Fundraising Company website, including, goal setting materials, check lists, flyer templates and so on. If there is anything you can’t find on there you can always reach out to your TFC fundraising guide to make sure you have everything you need. You can also utilize your fundraising guide to make you personalized flyers and social media posts. Want to increase your shoe donations across your entire region, fill out a press release form, send it to your fundraising guide with a list of local papers and they will reach out to the editors to share the news! Once this is done, your shoe donations will be overflowing!

Make sure all of your promotional materials provide the donor with all the detailed information they need to donate to your drive. This includes how, when and where they can drop off shoe donations. These details should be anywhere you’re promoting, this includes not only flyers but also any and every social media platform you have. If you don’t have any social media accounts try reaching out to some friends, family members, or volunteers who do and ask them to share! Take advantage of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn Patch, the opportunities are endless!!

Not only should you be sharing the details of how people can donate, but share your fundraising journey along the way as well! You can share photos or fun short videos of your fundraising volunteers collecting, sorting and packaging up the shoe donations that have been collected!

Share the Stage with Other Events!

share fundraiser with other events
Promoting your shoe fundraiser, and setting up drop-off boxes at other events that already have a lot of foot traffic is a great way to increase donations. Perhaps there is a county fair, local concert, or a sporting event going on! You can partner up with these events, and perhaps offer discounted or free tickets or admission to those who bring shoe donations. Take this opportunity to have some fun and be creative! This will absolutely provide positive results.

Community Involvement

community involvement in fundraiser

More often that you would think people want to be helpful, and cherish the opportunity to give back to their community in ways that are impactful and easy. Give anyone who may be interested in your fundraiser and opportunity to get involved! Whether you are a school fundraiser or not reach out to local schools in your area and ask to set up shoe donation boxes. This can also be done at gyms, churches, libraries and malls! The opportunity for others to join in on your fundraiser can be unlimited!

Don’t discount small ways that others can help promote your fundraiser. Some locals may not have the time to be full time volunteers but still want to help spread the word. This is a great way to get local businesses in your area involved in your fundraiser. They can leave donation bins at their brick and mortar store, or simply spread the word with a simple flyer.

Shoe Donations Boxed Up

Shoe Donations Made Simple | The Fundraising Company

You have put in the leg work of promoting your fundraiser all throughout town and donations are pouring in. This is the time you need to decide how you are going to accept and collect all your donations! At The Fundraising Company all your shoes need to be packaged up in large moving boxes before pick up. Because of this we always recommend starting your collection in boxes as well. This way when they’re full all you have to do is tape it shut and on to the next one! You can also paste flyers or decorate your collection box however you see fit! Use this opportunity to make your shoe donation box a real eye catcher!

Check out or reach out to a fundraising coordinator today for promotional materials for your next fundraiser. Not ready to do a shoe drive? No problem, whatever your fundraising needs or ideas are this year reach out anyway, we would be happy to help!

Contact your fundraising guide at: OR

Call or text 213-458-9896

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